contact us

17 Kinghorne St, Goulburn NSW 2580

For all general inquiries, or in regards to weddings or baptisms, contact Minister Ross Hathway via telephone on (02) 4821 4976 or via email in the fields to the right.  




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6:00 PM18:00

Meet the Candidates!

Meet the candidates for the upcoming election! Both the Liberal and Labour candidates for our new electorate will be at St Nick’s from 6pm-8pm. Come along to meet them and ask questions!

If you can’t make it in person, we are hoping to be able to stream this on YouTube. Details to follow…

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11:30 AM11:30

St Nick's AGM 2025

To be held in our church hall. All are welcome!

To make our AGM available to all parishioners, we will provide supervised children’s activities during the AGM on the 16th March. All adults supervising the children will have appropriate Safe Ministry training and screening.

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6:15 PM18:15

Christmas Carols in Goulburn

Everyone is welcome to join us as we sing carols through the streets of North Goulburn this Tuesday 17th Dec. Meet at St Nicholas’ at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm departure, returning at approx. 8:45.

Come for as much as you are able. Bring plenty of water and any snacks you may need. Nothing else required.

For more information, contact Catriona on 0410 643 047.

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12:00 PM12:00

FUEL Fun Day

A chance to unwind together at the beginning of the school holidays, in Tirrannaville. We’ll hear from some members of St Nick’s, have a BBQ, playgames and enjoy the views across the paddocks!

When: Sunday 29 September at Noon (return by dark)

Contact: Jen Schabel 0411 204 586

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7:30 PM19:30

Kidswise - Journeying with Kids in Grief

We live in a broken world. Sadly, it's just a matter of time before a family in your church will be overwhelmed by the grief of losing someone they love. Learn skills on how to journey with children and their families in the midst of grief.

Where: This is live online training

When: 26 September 2024, 7:30pm

Who: Kids' Ministry leaders & helpers, parents & grandparents

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1:00 PM13:00

Alchemy Choir

Alchemy choir is an inclusive choir for people impacted by Dementia.

Join together in song for a combined concert, showcasing a variety of songs and performances for the public to enjoy.

Donations gratefully accepted at the door.

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9:00 AM09:00

Scripture Union National Prayer Day

On September 4, Scripture Union is hosting their first-ever National Prayer Day. This is a special day dedicated to praying for children, young people, and families across Australia. If you are interested in getting involved, you can register with this link.

You will then receive further information about happenings on the day. The day will conclude with a Pray & Connect Live Online event in the evening. This will be a unique opportunity to come together as a community, pray, give thanks, interact with one another in breakout rooms, and hear testimonies of God’s goodness.

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