"To Know Christ And To Make Him Known"
We Support:
The Church Missionary Society: Kylie Zietsch is working with women at Johannesburg Bible College (JBC). She is involved in teaching and mentoring women and looks forward to see them grow in their faith and excitement to share Jesus with others. Please click on the picture below for more information regarding Kylie.
The Church Missionary Society (CMS) is a fellowship of Christian people and churches committed to global mission. We work with churches to set apart long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. CMS supports over 200 missionaries in over 40 locations around the world. For more information on CMS please click on the below link.
Bush Church Aid: Ben, Alissa, Josiah and Vivienne Connelly. In Cowra since January 2023
Ben did his Bible college training in Sydney, and our families are still there, but we both felt God calling us to leave Sydney, as we had always said we would. The two years we spent in Narrabri were a good introduction to rural living and the joys and challenges of ministry in the bush. With God’s help we have come to disciple God’s people in Cowra, and to encourage them to reach the people of the town and surrounding villages with the message of the life-giving Gospel of Jesus. We can be in Cowra through the generous support of the Bush Church Aid society.
Bush Church Aid has a heart for people living in remote and regional Australia. They are committed to going the distance to reach Australia for Christ.
People living in sparsely populated areas often don’t benefit from strong support networks. Churches in these areas can struggle financially due to fluctuating populations. Ongoing fellowship can be hard to maintain and encouragement can become a rarity.
In partnership with Anglican Dioceses across the country, Bush Church Aid places committed and gifted Christians in a variety of locations to help people connect with the grace of God revealed in Jesus.