“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
If you are a St Nick’s member, and want to change your giving to online giving, then please click here for our bank details.
Contact us
If you would like to get in touch with us for any reason, or have a prayer request, please click the button below.
Connect Groups
Have you ever wanted to ask questions?
Are you longing for better connection with God and others?
A Connect Group may be what you’re looking for! Connect Groups are small groups that meet for a couple of hours each week in order to connect to God and connect to each other. We connect to God by learning from the Bible through discussion and questions and through prayer. We connect to each other through chatting, caring and building friendships.
If you are interested please click the button below for more info.
Christian SRE Update
At the halfway point of Term 1 2025, we have commenced SRE in most of our schools.
Here are some praise points:
• Praise God for the ~800 students in our classes each week, and for our faithful volunteers who are teaching them from the Bible using Godspace as a resource.
• Thanks to God for conversations with Goulburn South Public and Gunning Public about starting up SRE in those schools again. There are 45 students already signed up at Gunning.
• Praise God for the large year 7 classes in the local high schools, and the range of students from different cultural backgrounds who are now part of the program.
We are very grateful for your support of Christian SRE in Goulburn. Thank you!
Kylie Zietsch shared -
Women Serving Christ Conference
We had our third annual WSC conference which was a real joy. There were around 150 women and Lindi spoke so faithfully from 1 Peter on Suffering. We also had some interesting elective topics including one I did on Wrestling with God Through Disappointment. It was a really amazing one to prepare and I had grown a lot personally. It was great to chat to women about disappointments they face and what it means to trust and follow God even when struggling.
It was wonderful seeing all the female staff using their gifts: admin, hospitality, teaching, organisation, and pastoral care to make the day a success! I work with some wonderful women!
Alchemy choir
Recently the Alchemy Choir performed at St Nick’s. Alchemy choir is an inclusive choir for people impacted by Dementia. This was a combined concert, showcasing a variety of songs and performances for the public to enjoy.
To view the performance, click below.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos reaches into prisons to touch the lives of men (and women) with the knowledge and love of Jesus. We meet with the men every 2 weeks to share a Bible message and worship songs and some (hopefully homemade) biscuits. Once a year, (September 2nd this year), we go into the prison for a week of ministry called the "Short Course". 18 men will join us for the week to hear who Jesus is and what He has done for them and us all.
There is an opportunity to be a part of this week of ministry by:
1. Praying for the men, the ministry team and giving thanks for access to the prison.
2. Making biscuits and slices to share with the men - we need about 300 dozen.
3. Writing letters
4. Attending the graduation ceremony on Friday September 6th
Guidelines for how to contribute are available at the back of the church. Together we can bring AGAPE love to the men inside!
Compassion Trip - 21-28 May 2025
One of the goals of our Parish Strategic Vision is to go on a short term mission trip with Compassion Australia to Indonesia. In exciting news, Compassion Australia has given early notice of a churches visit to Compassion partner churches in Manado, Indonesia (our area) next year. The dates are 21 – 28 May 2025. Flyers should come out sometime next month with further details. This is a key opportunity to visit our sponsor children together. If you are interested, please reserve the date. More details to follow.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child with Compassion please hold off from sponsoring until Spiro from Compassion visits our parish on the 8th and 11th of December. He will be bringing profiles of unsponsored children from our partner churches in Manado...so that you can sponsor...and then go visit them.
Sermon Archive
Weekly sermons from St Nicholas’ Anglican Church are available here.
Upcoming Events:
Latest Sermons:
St Nicholas’ Anglican Church has joined Lifeblood, which is the Australian Red Cross Blood Services group donation program to help secure 25% of the country’s blood donations. Did you known that it takes one blood donation every eight seconds to meet the ongoing needs of patients across Australia? Please consider donating blood for the good of others. Our Lifeblood group is called “St Nicks North Goulburn”. If you have already donated, you can join the group online.
For more info, check out their video.
From the Diocese…
A thought-provoking article has been released from the Anglican Diocese : Does faith matter in 2021?